Wednesday, September 23, 2009

22 weeks

How far along? 22 wks
Total weight gain/loss: 17 pounds, ugh
Maternity clothes? of course
Stretch marks? none yet
Sleep: have slept pretty well lately, minus getting up 3-4 times to go potty
Best moment this week: hearing that everything is ok from Nurse Debe
Movement: all the time! his most active times are 1-2 pm, 4-5 pm, and 9 pm
Food cravings: grapes and I had a craving for mashed potatoes today
Gender: little boy
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: bending over all the way, reaching for something on the ground while sitting is a bit of a struggle
What I am looking forward to: getting Carter's bedding started
Weekly Wisdom: listen to your body. if it says sit down, do it
Milestones: finally finding out it's a boy!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

We're having a...

BOY! We are so very excited and happy! The sonogram was just amazing. We could see him moving around, he opened his little was just all so cute. He looks like Sam so much already. I'm so thankful Sam was able to be there for it. Mom also came. It was just perfect. We've decided to name him Carter Price. It fits.

Everything is going well, except for the Braxton Hicks. I didn't think they were a big deal, but my doctor does. She's the one with the MD, so I'm going to take her advice. I have to call her tomorrow b/c I had too many today. Sucks.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

change of plans...

We've had a change in plans: we're finding out the gender this Thursday instead of next week! I am so extremely excited and thankful. I emailed our nurse, Debe, to see if I could get the date changed. I'm presenting a workshop next week with Jennie and just thought I was cutting it too close. She said we could! The best part is Sam is able to go!! I'm actually a little nervous about finding out! I've been thinking it's a boy for awhile, but now I'm second guessing myself. Guess I'll just have to wait!

On another note, I think I'm having Braxton Hicks. My tummy muscles get really tight and then relax. It's unlike any feeling I've ever felt. I kinda started to feel the sensation last week, but didn't really think it was that until tonight. I've read that it's normal around this time, but still going to check with my doctor to make sure.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Doctor visit

I had another doctor visit today and it went great! Little heartbeat was at 154 and sounded so wonderful. My next appointment is Sept. 24th when we find out if we're having a little girl or boy! So excited about that one!! I'm so ready to start getting more things together: bedding, decor, sewing, etc.

I really started to feel movement this week! Today, Baby B was really shakin' it around 2 p.m. I'll post a pic later of the bump.

I have to share this precious website:
This girl's mom works with me at Hogg. I really want to get a personalized chair when we find out the gender/name. Just too cute!

Monday, September 7, 2009


How far along? 20 wks
Total weight gain/loss: ok, 15 pounds
Maternity clothes? of course
Stretch marks? none yet
Sleep: still the same
Best moment this week: having a stranger notice my baby bump
Movement: quite a bit now
Food cravings: oranges still
Gender: I have no clue now
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: hmmm a glass of wine right now
What I am looking forward to: having a stranger ask if I'm pregnant. I still kinda think it looks like I ate too many oreos.
Weekly Wisdom: I can wear heels, but it may hurt the next day. duh
Milestones: Going to Guinn's bachelorette party and making it...most of the night! And I'm halfway now!