Friday, January 1, 2010

Maam have you been drinking?

So, last night was New Year's Eve.  We rang in 2009 by staying home and Sam was asleep by 10:30.  I remember lying in bed listening to the fireworks thinking that this year would be a wonderful year.  I was hoping to be pregnant in 2009. Well, we are and we are very blessed. 

I was hoping 2010 would be a little more lively.  I know I'm on bedrest and I didn't think we'd go out or anything, but there is an annual party that some family friends throw.  Carson & my parents were going so we decided to head on over.  It's always a good time.  I figured we'd stay for a little bit, visit with friends and that head home early.  Well, Sam's been working so much for my dad lately and apparently put on his party panties when I wasn't looking.  He had a little too much scotch .  I was thoroughly annoyed come midnight b/c he was refilling his drink instead of kissing me.  I decided I'd better take my drunker-than-Cooder-Brown husband home, especially since we had an appointment at 10 a.m. at the hospital for a stress test.

Fast forward to this morning......I wake up and start getting ready. Sam rolls out of bed looking like hell.  He gets ready. At 9:45, we're off to ETMC.  I don't know if it's just my super sensitive nose, but as soon as we get in the car, I can just smell the scotch seeping out of his pores.  It doesn't help that everytime he talks fumes are just coming out. 

We get to L&D, I'm in the bed, about to get hooked up and a nurse walks in and says to me, "Oh you smell so good".  At this point I'm thinking she's being sarcastic and is about to head out and call Social Servies b/c this nine month pregnant mom has been hitting the bottle.  I tell her thanks and get a little anxious.  Even more paranoid when they ask Sam to help them get the blood pressure cuff cord attatched to the machine.  Is this a test? Are they trying to see who smells like the devil water? 

Well, they end up getting a new machine, the authorities weren't called, and all is well with Baby Brandt.

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