Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Today was a great day! Sam went to his grandparent's in Longview without me this year.  Would have been too much with the driving and stress.  I stayed at my parent's until he got back.  Everybody showed up around 3.  Dad made gumbo again this year. I didn't think I'd want to eat it, but it was pretty good.  Then we opened presents. All in all, it was a wonderfully relaxing day.

I can't believe this time next year Carter will almost be a year old! WOW.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Holy Mother of God...

I'm just going to go out on a limb here and assume I've 'dropped'.  Here are my reasons:

1) I haven't had heartburn lately.
2) I can eat and don't feel like every bite is going to come up.
3) I am going potty every 30 minutes.
4) My tummy is kinda pointed down now, not so much sticking out. Weird.
5) And last but not least: OMG THE PRESSURE DOWN BELOW IS IMMENSE. I feel like there is a bowling ball between my legs.

So, I'm not sure exactly what this means in terms of how much longer we have.  2 weeks? 4 weeks? Dear Lord please not more than that....

Friday, December 18, 2009


This was a fun little quiz to take. Madame Zaritska predicted my birth experience.  Kinda creepy because it sounds like it could happen...

The day you deliver, outside will be shiny. Your baby will arrive in the late night. After a labor lasting approximately 16 hours, your child, a boy, will be born. Your baby will weigh about 6 pounds, 15 ounces, and will be 17-1/2 inches long. This child will have dark amber eyes and fluffy auburn hair.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

So, what'd you do today?

This question cracks me up when someone asks these days.

Today was pretty eventful though for me! I got up, watched a little Today show, order was delivered (see precious socks below), ate some cereal, went and had lunch with Jennie (no, not in the bedrest rules, but I felt like being bad), came home, order was delivered, watched a cheesy, but wonderful, movie from abcfamily, talked to Amy, monogrammed some towels for mom, and now I'm watching tv. 

I'm watching Sing Off to be exact. Clearly, Sam is not here or we would not be watching this.  We agree on about 3 shows: How I Met Your Mother, Big Bang Theory and 18 Kids and Counting (yes, he loves the Duggars).  Other than that, it can be a struggle at night.  Usually I just give in and dvr my shows and watch them later on.  This actually works out better for me b/c I like watching them on Saturdays (that was pre-bedrest).  His shows usually consist of football (which I can handle), Dirty Jobs (ugh), Deadliest Catch, Extreme/Swamp Loggers and all the food shows where they're stuffing their faces or eating gross foods.  Anyway, I kinda like this show.  I'm so impressed with anybody that can sing. 

Mom is coming to pick me up in about 20 minutes to go and get my shower gifts from our school secretary. Today was supposed to be my shower at school, but they just collected the gifts. I'm impatient and don't want to wait to get them tomorrow night. 

Sam's at a district meeting and I'm not sure when he's getting home, but I hope it's not too late. It's been so nice having him home before 6, even if we don't agree on tv. :)

Here are the precious socks I ordered last week.  Carter has a ton of football items, so I thought I'd throw another sport in:

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

out of site, out of mind.

That's kinda how I feel right now.
I guess I'm just hurt by the people that I assumed would call me, visit me or at least offer to help out.  The ones that have actually called me, offered to bring dinner, help me with errands or clean aren't the ones that I thought would offer. 
Which I guess leads me to believe you can't always count on people.
And no, I'm not throwing a pity party b/c I'm actually doing great.  I feel better than I have in awhile.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

today sucked.

Today just was miserable. I think the majority of it is b/c I am used to getting so much done on Saturday. It's my day to get the cleaning, errands and other random stuff done.  I'm now at the mercy of my husband for these tasks.  Bless his heart he is helping as much as he can.  Here's a prime example of how different women and men are:

Sam: What would you like me to do?
Me: Well, would you mind cleaning the bathroom a little bit? You know, just wipe down the counter and scrub the toilet. It'll just take a minute.
Sam: But, it's clean! I was just in there!
Me: blank look at him
Sam: Babe, if it's not broke, then why fix it??
Me: Absolutely Sam. Well, would you mind just vacuuming then?
Sam: Sure (He goes to get the vacuum and plugs it in)
Sam: Babe, how do you get this to work??

I'm also just grouchy today. We're also missing two Christmas parties that I was really looking forward to going to. I know this will all be worth it in the end, but good Lord......

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Busy days...

Just in case anybody's interested, here's a run down of my last two days on bedrest:
Day 1:
Got up about 8, made some coffee-decaf, of course-watched a little Today show, caught up on Biggest Loser, Cake Boss and Chelsea Lately.  Took a shower, did my makeup, checked the mail and played online a whole lot.  I tried to read, but it just didn't happen.  Then Mom came over and brought chicken spaghetti and Sam came home. We then watched Year One-sucked ass and was weird-don't watch it. Then I went to bed.

Day 2:
Got up about 8, took a shower, took my car to Classic to get Bluetooth put in (that's another post), went to the bank, went home, caught up on Glee, Modern Family and more Chelsea Lately, went back to get my car, checked the mail, had to call a couple parents about their children misbehaving for my sub, and now I'm waiting to hear from Sam or my mom or somebody.

I'm really just trying to enjoy this time.  It's not everyday you are told to sit there and do nothing.  I've been able to get little things done that I couldn't always do at work.  I set up a time to meet with our pediatrician, bought some precious little socks with tees and golf balls on them for Carter online:

They're Trumpettes and they come in 6 colors. I think they're too precious. He has so much football stuff, so he needed some golf attire.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

computer give away!

Kelly at Kelly's Korner is doing an awesome giveaway:

new car pic

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

fears came true...

So I'm on bedrest now. I prayed this wouldn't happen for many reasons. Financial being at the top of my list, but there's no choice. I went to the doctor this afternoon and after the fetal monitoring, sonogram and internal, I'm at home. Everything looked fine, but he's measuring small. Only the 26th percentile, so she says I need to be at home, stress-free and off my feet. And since I've had a couple other problems, she wants to make sure he stays in there a little longer.

I have my sub plans all ready to go. My long-term sub is thankfully finishing up her student teaching and is able to be in my room the next two weeks. I feel better about leaving my kids with someone who will teach, rather than just baby-sit.

I'm not sure what to do tomorrow with all my time. She told me I could be up if I'm changing rooms, going to the bathroom, showering, eating. So, I'm thinking a little Today show, read a little, facebook, catch up on my DVR'd shows (Chelsea Lately, Biggest Loser, Cake Boss), maybe a movie? I've thought about sewing a little b/c that doesn't require me to be on my feet, just sitting there. We'll see.

On another note, we got a new car. We went to the dealership Saturday morning bright and early. We were greeted in the parking lot by a woman carsalesperson. I kinda brushed her off and told Sam I don't know about this. How horrible of me I know! I've never met a woman selling a car! We ended up narrowing it down between a Camry Sport and a Highlander. We went with the Camry. I just love it. It's sporty, but will fit kids, it's safe and gets awesome gas mileage. And, we ended up loving our car sales woman. She was personable, not pushy at all and we plan to buy our next car from her!

I'm off to bed to get ready for my big day tomorrow!

Friday, December 4, 2009

what a pain.

I hate messing with cars. I hate having to think about gas, flat tires, engines, really everything. But, when my car is acting funny, I know it.....

It all started back in July. I had to go to Austin for a conference and my car made these jerking movements. It was like it hiccuped while I was driving. I explained this to Sam and he said take it in. So, I take it in to our mechanic, whom we really trust. He told me nothing was wrong! It was great and he couldn't find anything. Now I'm thinking I'm just crazy. Oh, and side note: I've been complaining how it doesn't heat up when it's cold'll take 20 minutes for my heater to start working.
Ok, so Monday I'm driving and almost home and it just dies. Luckily, Sam wasn't far so he followed me home. He drove it the next day and it died on him and did the hiccup thing. He gets online and finds that there's some sensor recall with Nissan Altimas. Great we're thinking! This won't cost a thing! (if this were a novel that would have been foreshadowing)
Boy were we wrong!!!!!

We took it to Peltier Nissan and they can't fix the recall programming problem without fixing the sensor something or another-I don't remember the technical term. And, just to fix the necessary things, meaning just so it won't blow up on us in the next month, it'll be about 1000 dollars. Plus, I need new back tires. Then there are all the other repairs that are needed, which will be another 1000-2000.
Oh, and I wasn't crazy! My car won't heat up b/c it can't! The 'microfilter' is messed up. Whatever that means! So, I get online and find that I'm not the only Altima owner with the same problems! Other people have the same ones and keep having it over and over.

So, here we are: do we fix my car or just throw in the towel and get a new one? Mine is paid off and another car payment sucks. But, throwing money into mine when it's going to need way more repairs sucks too.

We've spent the night car shopping and we're going to get a new, safer one. What a romantic, exciting Friday night!