This week has been crazy at school. Lots of things happening....actually, too many things. I'm in charge of Red Ribbon Week, so getting that organized for our campus was quite a task. On top of that, it's Halloween week-kids are crazy, JT/Lee game, Canned Food Drive, pep rally on Friday and Flex Day. Oh, and teaching a taks subject to 6th & 8th grade. Stupid. Too many things in one week.
I really don't mind the activities, b/c a busy week means it will go by faster. What I do mind are my co-workers. I don't know how many times I've sent out an email saying, "Please get this document submitted to me by: said date/time" or "Please email me your list of students blah blah blah". About 3/4 of the faculty do it right and on time. But there seems to be this group that doesn't do ANYTHING right. They can't check email on time. They can't submit a document properly. They can't follow simple #*&%) instructions. It makes my job so much more difficult when I have things to get into my principal, but I'm waiting on a teacher that can't follow simple instructions. I think what makes me the most mad is that they know they have to get this done, but choose not to. They think and act like they are just too busy to do it. Really? Cause the rest of the campus is busy too but they're getting their crap done.
If I could just stay with my students all day and not interact with the faculty, I think my life would be easier. My students are more with it than half of my coworkers.
Ok, vent over. I feel much better.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
new pictures and updates
How far along? 27 wks
Total weight gain/loss: about 30, ugh.
Maternity clothes? of course with a few regular shirts
Stretch marks? on my huge backside
Sleep: sleeping pretty great
Best moment this week: nothing really stands out
Movement: all the time. lots of rolling and punching
Food cravings: random things: rice crispy treats, apples, chocolate milk
Gender: little boy
Labor Signs: None besides braxton hicks
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: my waistline
What I am looking forward to: finishing the nursery
Weekly Wisdom: people that you thought were friends, really aren't since we have a baby on the way...
Milestones: Hitting the third trimester
Saturday, October 3, 2009
new pic
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Sam & I went to eat at Chili's tonight after work. It was fantastic. However, less than a mile from home I started to feel nauseous....that same morning sickness nausea that plagued me for so long. As soon as I pulled in, I jumped out and lost my dinner. I felt so relieved afterwards, but I'm hoping and praying it's not back. I've heard of these things though....I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
I also am so pumped b/c I found the exact fabric for the bedding I want online. It's extremely reasonable and way less than what I thought we'd spend. I just need to purchase it and start putting it together! Not too much longer and that makes me nervous. There's so much to do!
Here's a picture:
I also am so pumped b/c I found the exact fabric for the bedding I want online. It's extremely reasonable and way less than what I thought we'd spend. I just need to purchase it and start putting it together! Not too much longer and that makes me nervous. There's so much to do!
Here's a picture:

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