How far along? 19 wks
Total weight gain/loss: don't even want to go there
Maternity clothes? of course
Stretch marks? none yet
Sleep: sucks when I wake up and I'm on my back...I'm very paranoid about that. Oh and having to get up about 3 times a night to go potty. That's not fun.
Best moment this week: feeling the little one move last night
Movement: finally last night!
Food cravings: looove oranges!
Gender: leaning towards boy this week
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: sleeping on my back
What I am looking forward to: having a stranger ask if I'm pregnant. I still kinda think it looks like I ate too many oreos.
Weekly Wisdom: Keep the names to yourself. I just don't need other's opinions.
Milestones: feeling Baby B moving